Want to work as a bus or coach driver?
NSW Bus Driver Authority (BDA)
Authority Information
In New South Wales, if you intend to drive a public passenger vehicle including, but not limited to Route Bus, Coach, Mini Bus, and Shuttle Service legislation requires you to have a NSW Bus Driver Authority.
All participants must:
- Be at least 20 years of age.
- Hold an unrestricted/unconditional driver licence issued in New South Wales, and have held an unrestricted Australian driver licence issues in any Australian state or teritory for a total of a least 12 months of the previous 2 years.
- Be an Australian or New Zealand Citezen, permantant resident or hold a visa allowing you to work in Australia.
- Be medically fit (see details of medical assessment requirements in the information package).
Course Duration
Approximately 4 hours
Course Content
- Workplace Legislation and Procedures Standard
- Work Health and Safety Procedures Standard
- Fatigue Management Standard
- Breakdown or Emergency Standard
- Workplace Communication Standard
- Dealing with Passengers Standard
Course Assessment
The assessment includes two Sections:
Section A requires that the student correctly complete 102 ‘open book’ questions.
Section B requires that the student demonstrate that they:
- Have a positive attitude to accepting the responsibilities associated with the concept of ‘Duty of Care’
- Have the ability to clearly communicate in English during emergency ‘situations’
- Have the aptitude to deal with different customers fairly and equitably
- Have a professional approach to learning the requirements of the Bus Driver Authority Training
- Assessment can be conducted “one-on-one” or in small groups.
Training conducted at our Horsley Park premises.
Course fee
Call us on 0412 128 443 / 0435 272 878 or email us anytime for our current fee schedule.
Click here.